Group Members

Office: HEB 1128

Washington Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Washington, David Ginger
PhD 2017: University of California, Berkeley, Naomi Ginsberg
B.S. 2010: Haverford College, Casey Londergan, Joshua Schrier

Connor Bischak
Assistant Professor

Garrett Collins

Graduate Student
Undergraduate: Weber State University
Office: HEB 1112

Emily Dalley

Undergraduate Student
SPUR Summer Student 2023
University of Utah, 2025
Office: HEB 1112

Jolene Keller

Graduate Student
Undergraduate: Whitman College
Office: HEB 1112

Delaney Miller

Undergraduate Student
University of Utah, 2025
Office: HEB 1112

Nathan Jackson

Undergraduate Student
University of Utah, 2027
Office: HEB 1112

Jyorthana Muralidhar

Postdoctoral Researcher
Office: HEB 1112

Sofia Perez

Undergraduate Student
University of Utah, 2027
Office: HEB 1118

Kierra Forthman

Undergraduate Student
REU Summer Student 2023
University of Utah, 2025
Office: HEB 1112

Seth Jackson

Graduate Student
Undergraduate: Saint John’s University
Office: HEB 1112

Perry Martin

Graduate Student
Undergraduate: Utah Valley University
Office: HEB 1118

Thy Phan

Graduate Student
Undergraduate: International University
Office: HEB 1112


Clara Reed

Graduate Student

Rand Kingsford

Graduate Student
Now at UCSD

Celeste Kalapala

Undergraduate Student

Franka Gädeke

Visiting Masters Student
University of Braunschweig

Arnel Besic

Undergraduate Student
Now at bioMérieux

Orion Xiao

High School Intern
Summer 2022

Leo Bloxham

Undergraduate Student
Now at CU Boulder

We are looking for interested graduate students, undergraduate students, and postdoctoral researchers.

  • Graduate students must first submit an application to the University of Utah for admission into the Department of Chemistry graduate program. Please email Connor if you are interested in the research group.

  • Undergraduate students should email Connor with a CV and a brief statement about research interests.

  • Postdoctoral applicants should email Connor with a CV, a summary of previous research accomplishments and future research interests, and two letters of references. Please use the subject line “Postdoc Application Bischak Lab” in your email